Be Seen is founded on the belief that paid visibility is rocket-fuel for growth -
when it's at the right time and right level.

If that’s not for you right now,
we’ll tell where to focus first.

It's you if you have crazy growth ambitions for your business

You have a product or service with proven market demand and you’re committed to the scaling process.

And if you don’t have everything fully lined up immediately, we’ll help to get you there.


Everyone starts with a brief. We use this stage to interrogate everything. We both come out the other side clearer, with a clear line of sight.

– What are our objectives
– Which KPIs will serve those objectives
– Target setting & commercial expectations


Think of this as an audit of what’s happening now and what’s gone before.
However it went, there’s learning available.

What’s the Product / service we are looking to scale and how is it positioned?
Do we know it’s something audiences want or need? Borrowed Brilliance – how are your competitors selling similar?

Proposition – Is the Offer super easy to understand and is it compelling enough to make people want to buy what you’re selling?

Who are your People? Are there enough of them to meet your ambition? Who are the key sub groups and what needs to be done to bring them into your world? Which platforms are they on when in-market or open to our messages?

Does the Path to purchase work? How can we improve congruence and remove friction?


With this in place, we can set our initial strategy. 

The what and the how of how we’ll start.
This is the start line of our testing and learning.

We keep it high-touch with minimal viable investment until we have enough data to start to making informed decisions.


Refinement, optimisation and stability gets that flywheel turning.

Here’s where we get to pour the rocket-fuel and take things up a notch from a more predictable place.


At this point we have a repeatable growth strategy.

We know the levers that work most powerfully and we have a plan of action to commit to – scaling spend whilst always testing for long term, incremental, sustainable results and lifetime value.